Financial Interests Register

In accordance with the Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019, the legislation requires the entire Register of Financial Interests to be published on the local government's website.

Section 5.88(2) requires that the Register contains:

  • Elected member direct financial, indirect financial and proximity interests disclosed at meetings (s5.65) and
  • Employee direct financial, indirect financial and proximity interests disclosed relating to delegated authority (s5.71) and
Declaration Register
Meeting Date Name of Relevant Person Declaring an Interest Meeting Type Item relating to Interest Nature of Interest
20/11/2024 Cr Robbie Bowey Ordinary Item 9.3 - Unbudgeted Purchase - New 2.5 Tonne Smooth Drum Roller Impartiality – Vice President of Kulin Retirement Homes Inc
16/10/2024 Cr Brad Smoker Ordinary Item 9.6 - Reserve Price of Vacant Land Report Proximity - owner of land adjacent to land listed in Item 9.6
16/10/2024 CEO Alan Leeson Ordinary Item 9.7 - Chief Executive Officer's Mid Year Review Impartiality - employed as Chief Executive Officer
18/09/2024 Cr Robbie Bowey Ordinary Item 9.3 - Kulin Retirement Homes Inc. – Request to Write off Rates 2024/25 Impartiality – Vice President of Kulin Retirement Homes Inc

Primary and Annual Returns Register

In accordance with the Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019, the legislation requires Elected Member Primary and Annual Returns are to be published on the local government's website.

Section 5.88(2) requires that the Register contains:

Primary (s5.75) and Annual Returns (s5.76) only for current relevant persons (Council Members and Designated employees) (subject to s5.88(3) 

To view the Shire of Kulin Primary and Annual Returns Register click here