Community Bus

Council have a 22 seater Community Bus, proudly sponsored by Bendigo Bank and Kulin Bush Races that is available for hire to residents. Council does not object to the hire of the community bus to people from outside the Shire of Kulin, however, if the bus is hired by somebody who is not a resident of Kulin and the bus is subsequently required by a local, the non-local will be advised that the bus is no longer available to them. At least one week’s notice must be given to the non-local of the cancellation of the hire to enable them to make other arrangements.

The rate for hire of the community bus for 2024/25 is $1.30 per kilometre including fuel. Any fuel purchased throughout your trip will be reimbursed if receipts are provided.

Commercial Hire -  the rate of hire for the community bus for 2023/24 is $1.30 per kilometre excluding fuel.  Hirers must return the bus with a full tank of fuel and will not be reimbursed for fuel used.  This amendment will apply from 18 October 2024.

To ensure the availability of the Community Bus to local community groups and residents the maximum length of hire by commercial school bus operators and other businesses is 7 days.  Any request from a business to hire the Community Bus for longer than seven days must be approved by the CEO.

The Community bus trailer is hired at $65.00 per day.

As per requirement, a $50 deposit will be collected on receipt of the bus key.

If the bus is returned in an untidy or unsatisfactory state and it is not possible to contact the hirer responsible prior to the next hire of the bus, the bus will be cleaned and the hirer will lose their deposit to cover the cost of cleaning.

Smoking is NOT permitted on the community bus. 

See HERE for form. 

Failure to comply with any of the above conditions may result in refusal to hire the bus to that organisation in the future.

To make an enquiry or booking please contact the office on 08 9880 1204 or

For more information please contact us