Waste Services

Avon Waste - Household Bin Collection Days

Council provides a weekly waste collection service and a fortnightly recycling service to residents within the Kulin townsite.

General Waste

Weekly - Every Monday


(Yellow Lid)

Fortnightly - Every second Tuesday 



Empty & clean bottles/containers with lids removed included all marked numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6+7 (click here for plastic identification code explanations)


Clean, untied newspapers, paper, magazines,   telephone books


Cleaned, flattened boxes and cartons

Aluminium & Steel

Empty & clean cans, tins, foil (including aresol cans)

Liquid Paperboard

Milk, juice & laundry detergent cartons

Do not put green waste, glass, nappies,polystyrene and food scraps into your recycling bin 

Non-townsite residents can collect a recycle bin from the Transfer Station and return it when full. The cost is $3.50 per recycle bin, restricted to one bin per fortnight, which is equivalent to the cost of the town pickup service. See Bin information for acceptable recyclables.

Kulin Transfer Station

The Kulin Transfer Station is located on Truebody street approximately 2km from the Kulin Post Office.


The Station is open Sundays, Mondays & Thursdays from 10am – 3pm.

Please note: Rubbish cannot be disposed of outside of these hours unless arrangements have been made with the Shire to dispose of bulk rubbish such as building rubble, clean fill and asbestos. These arrangements need to be made with the shire office a minimum of 2 days before the intended disposal.

Accepted Waste Items

To ensure that your waste and recyclables are processed appropriately residents are encouraged to keep waste separated into the below groups to avoid contamination and recyclables being deposited into the general waste bin.

General Household Waste

It is recommended that General   household waste is secured in plastic bags to minimise contamination and   loose rubbish which has the potential to blow around the transfer station.


Please Note: If more than a   single ute/trailer load (over one tonne) is delivered there will be a large   load charge of $40 per tonne.

Bulk cardboard



A glass bin is provided to residents at the transfer station.

Co-mingled household recyclables

Non-townsite residents can collect a recycle bin from the Transfer Station and return it when full. The cost is $4.00 per recycle bin,   restricted to one bin per fortnight, which is equivalent to the cost of the   town pickup service. See Bin information for acceptable recyclables.

Household hazardous waste

 Flammable, toxic, explosive or corrosive products. Household Hazardous Waste PDF

Green Waste

It is requested that Rose and Lawn Clippings be kept separate from tree clippings.








drumMUSTER is the National program that has been set up for the collection and recycling of cleaned eligible non returnable crop production and on-farm animal health chemical containers. 

Council provide a drumMUSTER collection service at the Kulin Transfer Station. This service can be utilized during normal Transfer Station opening hours.

drumMUSTER provides:

  • an environmentally responsible solution for chemical users to the problem of disposing their empty chemical containers;
  • helps property owners to keep their property clean of potential contamination;
  • encourages good farming practice and meets Quality Assurance obligations; and
  • supports the preservation of the wider environment.

Chemical users in the Shire are encouraged to deliver their empty, cleaned containers for inspection and acceptance at the Kulin Transfer Station.

drumMUSTER product is recycled into useful everyday items such as street signs, irrigation piping, plant stakes and outdoor furniture.

For information on product eligibility, cleanliness standards and other drumMUSTER queries click on the below link to the drumMUSTER website.


Waste Management

Council’s EHO is responsible for looking after the transfer stations and waste disposal drop off points and making sure that they are operated in accordance with the Department of Environment and Conservation’s (DEC) requirements.

Advice on recycling; asbestos and liquid waste disposal; and Drum Muster can also be provided on request, by contacting the Shire.

Containers for Change 

The last Wednesday of every month, All Good Refund Depot collect containers from behind the Memorial Hall at midday. Please contact Belle at the Shire on 9880 1204 for more information. There are also Containers for Change bins located around town, please use these strictly for the correct containers, check for the 10c mark. Containers put in these bins are refunded, and the proceeds go towards the Kulin Childcare Centre and to the Shire. 

If you would like to refund your containers to your own Containers for Change ID, write it on your bag and when they are collected they will be out towards your account.