Harvest Ban Information
Shire of Kulin Harvest Ban Information Line:
Harvest Ban Zone Map
Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans
Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans are issued by the Shire of Kulin during the Restricted and Prohibited Burning period and are put in place when local Bushfire Control Officers identify the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery as high bushfire risk activities, during particular times of the day.
The ban is imposed to restrict activities that are likely to cause a bushfire or contribute to the spread of a bushfire when the expected weather conditions indicate that if a wildfire was to start, it would be dangerous, destructive and difficult to stop. A ban may be called for the following reasons:
- Unfavourable fire weather conditions
- Depletion of firefighting resources due to existing firefighting commitments
- Public Holidays (Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day and Australia Day)
A Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban may be imposed for any length of time but is generally imposed for the ‘heat of the day’ periods and may be extended or revoked should weather conditions change. A ban can affect the whole Shire or particular zone.
Bans are only declared when the readings of the following conditions are above a certain level:
- Wind
- Wind Gusts
- Humidity
- Temperature
- Fuel Load/Curing
It is your responsibility as a harvest operator to be aware of any bans in place before harvesting
As the machine operator, you are responsible for checking whether any restrictions are in place before you undertake harvesting on your property. It is your duty to make sure your equipment is not likely to start a fire during a ban.
The Shire of Kulin use the following means of communication when broadcasting a ban;
- SMS sent to names listed on the Shire’s Harvest Ban Contact Register
- Harvest ban phone line answering service – 9880 1511
- ABC Radio broadcasts at 10.05am, 12.35pm & 2.05pm
- Contact your Local Bushfire Brigade Fire Control Officer
- Updates to Shire of Kulin Website and Facebook page
The following are examples of activities NOT PERMITTED during a ban:-
- Harvesting operations are not permitted,
- Any “hot works” (e.g. welding, grinding, cutting, heating, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, combustible engines etc.) in the “open air” are not permitted.
- Other – Use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery in the area likely to cause a bush fire or contribute to the spread of a bush fire.
The following are examples of activities PERMITTED during a ban:-
- Movement of Vehicles on “gazetted roads” (as described in Bush Fires regulation 24A(1) and Road Traffic Act 1974 section 5.1)).
- Movement of vehicles on a lane, driveway, yard or other area that provides access to, or a parking facility at, any residential, farming or business premises, if the area has been sufficiently cleared of inflammable material to prevent the escape of fire.
- Use or operation of a vehicle if it is for the prevention of an immediate and serious risk to the health or safety of a person or livestock, and only if all reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent the activity from creating a bush fire danger.
- Use or operations of vehicles and undertaking of “hot works” by those persons holding a current Exemption under Bush Fires Act 1954 s. 22C (Exemption from Total Fire Bans)
- Water carting for stock and domestic purposes on roadways as defined above.
- All necessary travel to and from and within piggeries, sheep or cattle feed lots on roadways as defined above.
- All necessary carting of livestock on roadways as defined above.
- Activities which received specific exemptions from Council or Chief Bush Fire Control Officer.

A Harvest Ban, and a ban on the movement of all vehicles and machines and the operation of internal and combustion engines is imposed on Christmas Day and New Years Day each year.
Authorisation of Harvest Bans
Following is the order of authorisation to issue harvest bans in conjunction with and authorisation from the Fire Weather Officer.
- Alan Leeson, CEO Shire of Kulin ph: 0497 801 204
- Judd Hobson, Executive Manager of Works Shire of Kulin ph: 0427 801 241
- Rod Diery, Chief Bush Fire Control Officer ph: 0427 037 705
- Evan Wyatt, Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer ph: 0417 914 442
- John Waters, Deputy Fire Weather Officer ph: 0429 898 030
Harvest Ban Zones
Zone 1 - Kulin North & Kulin South Brigades
Zone 2 - Jilakin/Pingaring Brigade
Zone 3 - Holt Rock/Little Italy Brigade
Harvesting Operations - Mobile Fire Fighting Units
It is compulsory that an operational mobile engine powered fire fighting pump unit with not less than 500 litres of water be in attendance during grain harvesting operations. If the unit is trailer mounted the trailer must be attached to a vehicle at all times during harvesting operations and the unit must be in the paddock, or adjoining paddock, where the harvesting operation is being carried out. A mobile fire fighting unit is defined as having a minimum water carrying capacity of 500 litres, fitted with a suitable fire fighting hose and pump capable of delivering water through an adjustable nozzle in the spray and jet configurations.